You are the best brother ever!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Brotherly Love
You are the best brother ever!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Morning Walk
Me panting.

Patrolling the perimeters.

Following the scent..

What's that smell??

Cocoa with his beagle pose.

Another attempt to look handsome.

Resting on the bench.

Happy smile.

It started to drizzle, so mum took us to a nearby shelter and wait for the drizzle to stop. She took some pictures of me with my goofy look.

A cutie mini pincher came to check us out!

Waiting for the drizzle to stop before heading home..

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Kangaroo Tails & more Awards!

Crunch crunch..
Notice I don't make a mess as I eat? Unlike.......Stinky Barley eats sloppily, leaving crumbs everywhere..
He drools as he eats too. YUCKS!
Snoop, Alfie, Rosie and Gabbi from the Dughallmore Beagles, and Paco & Milo gave us this very lovely 'Sharing the love' award! Thank you guys!
To all my dear friends out there, we love all your blogs and so we are giving these awards to all of ya. Please feel free to take them! It's our pleasure!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Catch it!
And again!
Am I flying??

So how did my big brother Cocoa fare? He lets the toy hit his head first.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Turkey Thigh and another Award
Digging the floor trying to get my attention

Then he got sleepy and went to wait in his bed while waiting for me to give up my turkey thigh.
Still eyeing and waiting

What you looking at? It's mine!!

After another 10 minutes, he gave up and fell asleep.

Cocoa: I am NOT sore! As my good friend, River always says, this is just another strategic retreat. I'll get that rubbery turkey thigh after I catch up with my sleep! Hmpf!!
We are going to give this award to all our friends out there because they are all too cool to be missed out! So friends, please feel free to take this award to your site!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Waking a sleepy dog and an Award

"WAKE UP NOW !!!!! YOU SLEEPY HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Okay I know that was a little rough. But it works all the time!