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Friday, January 16, 2009

Escaped just in time!

Woah!!! That was close!!

What's so funny? My ears? My face?? I didn't think it was funny though. Luckily I'm fast enough to escape stinky Barley's stinky jaws!! Hmmmpff!!!


Anonymous said...

haha! cocoa has flying ears ...

barley, you look very fierce with such big jaws leh ...


Dughallmor Beagles said...

Woooo Cocoa....Barley looks fierce! Good job you escaped his jaws, BOL! What's so funny? Erm....the ears..the face..everything! So funny!
Slobbers xx
pee-ess, Yes, it was Rosie barking in the video and being bossy!

The Musketeers said...

Phew* Lucky you !

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

you two guys are always incredible on your post!!!!!! have been very lucky to succeed in escaping from the insane Barley!!!!AHHHAHHHHH!!!!
But with your agile physicist would succeed in making of all super beagle!!!!YEAHHHHHH!!!!!
Have a great weekend dear friends!!!!!

Kelli said...

Hi Cocoa & Barley!
I saw you on DWB and wanted to stop in and say hello! You were lucky to escape! Barley has a big bitey face!

Unknown said...

Wow how did your human get that photo? That is incredible. Good thing we know you two are buddies or we would be very traumatized!

Lindsay said...

Woah, Cocoa! That was too close for comfort! And probably for your nose, too, BOL!

Barley, you are a fierce looking doggy in this picture. Good thing I know you're just a happy smiling doggy!

River said...

Good thing you got your ears out of the way. That's Barley of JAWS fame, right??

love & wags,

Bond said...

You have wings on your ears !!! Can YOU fly ?

Duke said...

We think he's after your ears, Cocoa! Whew! That was a close call!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Aki and Poopie said...

yay.. i feel like im watching 'Underworld' looking at you guys. Barley looks scary.. you ought to put scotch tape on those ears cocoa, he looks like he is itching to do a Mike Tyson on you! BOL!

drooly kisses,


pee-ees. so, did mommi kaz bring you to the dry cleaners, yet? BOL

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

This is the best bitey funny face!
Love your flying ears, Cocoa! You're the escaped artist!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Great pic!!
I thought you were so repulsed by Barley's breath that you sprang away!!

Chow Chow said...

That's was a close shave!

I think your humans have a really fabulous camera - all your pics are so well-taken!

And I see that you love to lounge on the Ikea rug as much as I do. :)

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Hehe...Cocoa's ears and Barley's fangs are so cool! Close call indeed...*wink*

Hope you have a great weekend, you guys, and Happy Chinese New Year!


i said...

Whoa thank dog you were fast!

Angel n Miko said...

Hey !
Wow, Barley looked fierce =x
hmms Cocoa, you're so cute !
Nothing funny I supposed !
