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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Ear Infection

Yeah we are back, and I am down with a nasty ear infection (in my right ear). Mum just took me to the vet this morning and I have to be on ear drops twice daily for the next 14 days!

Pooooor me....

Mum suspect that it must have been stinky Barley's drool that caused my ear infection because my whole head always gets drenched by his drool whenever we play. Also, the vet didn't seem to find any ear mites during the checkup. It just looked really red and raw inside. Sigh....

Well... Hopefully my ear infection clears up soon. I really hate those ear drops. IT STINGS!!!! :-(

... Hmmm me? What did I do??


Rufus and Indie said...

Hi Cocoa! Nice to meet you! Ear boring! Rufus is the president of the "Ear Infection Club" :)(he could be anyway)
rufus and Indie

bagel said...

aw... poor dear. Totally understand your misery as I just recovered from a case of ear mites. 1 month ear drops!!! :(

hugs and kisses,

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Oh poor Cocoa! We hope the ear drops clear it up soon buddy....sore ears are no fun! (then again, neither are drops) Gabbi screams and runs away when Mum comes with the ear drops :o)
Slobbers xx

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Sorry to hear about your ear infection, Cocoa! Hope you'll get better real soon...


Bee Bee said...

Dear Cocoa

Ops! Sorry to hear about your ear infection.... remember to continuously do it for 14 days, even if the ear does look ok after a few days, the gagas might still be present but not visible to the human eyes -- my vet told my sister to do it continuously for 14 days to rid them off their root.

Take care ya~
Bee Bee

Sapphire said...

*pat pat*

you'll get better.

NESSA the hovawart said...

Poor little Cocoa! I hope you soon will be better!!I had ear infection once or twice too...the vet said that it is common for us with down wearing ears...sigh!
Kisses and hugs,

Sara Alves said...

ohh poor cocoa! hope you get well soon!
lot´s of licks!!!


furrycars said...

We hope u get well soon! haha. Camry has floppy ears too, and she's got it b4 too! understand your pain, hope u get well soon!

love and licks,
Camry, Chevro and cAyenne

Duke said...

We're so sorry you have an ear infection, Cocoa! We hope your drops fix you up as good as new very soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Oh no - poor Cocoa!! You look so miserable in that picture...ouch! Your ears must be really sore! I've never had an ear infection (whew!) but I can imagine what it must be like...Hope those ear drops work soon.

Sending you lots of slobbers (but not in your ear!),
Honey the Great Dane

DogsDeserveFreedom said...

Oh dear. Ear infections aren't easy and they make you feel just awful!


Mason Dixie said...

I too get ear infections, mom thinks it is from swimming and then hanging my head out the window? I think she is just crazy =) Hope it clears up soon.

Amber-Mae said...

We hope your ear gets better soon. Faith's ears always get infected for some reason. It's sometimes caused by the ear cleaning or sometime when she scratches her ears too hard, it can cause it.

Solid Gold Dancer + Puppies

Tee said...

Hi Cocoa!

Get well soon!

Licks and Wags

Tufy and the Dog WOods Pack

Unknown said...

It's nice to standy-uppy ears, because Madison doesn't seem to have ear problems. Sorry to hear about yours. But it can't really be SLOBBER can it?

Anonymous said...

poor cocoa get well soon

fat fat said...

cocoa, you poor thing ... get well soon ... ignore the comment left from Barly ...

PS: Barley is NOT Barly !!!! I am angry !!!! :*

Unknown said...

Cocoa - hope your ear infection is getting better?

Haven't had new updates from you and Barley - hope you guys are well?? Come on! We miss you - tell us what you have been up to!

Honey the Great Dane

Huskee and Hershey said...

Poor Cocoa.. sorry to hear abt your ear infection. Hope it heals soon (and Barley stops dripping his saliva into your ear!!)...

Bren Bren said...

hi cocoa how is the ear infection? i heard about it... have them is no fun at all ... but dont worry... it will get will soon ...=)