When I was younger (before stinky Barley appeared in this household), grandpa used to come over and bring me out for walks in the late afternoon. One day during one of our walks, I went to roll in some dog's poop. Grandpa was of course grossed out with my whole head and ears stained with dog's poop (I was rather pleased though), and immediately dragged me home for a shower.
As grandpa can't read English and didn't have his old glasses with him, he couldn't figure out which shampoo was for dogs. And there wasn't anybody at home as the hoomans were all at work. He searched high and low and finally found a bottle that looked somewhat like a dog's shampoo.. or so he thought. So he proceeded to shower me with this 'dog shampoo'. He thought this 'shampoo' smelt kind of weird, doesn't lather at all, and too oily. Grandpa then thought it must be some kind of 'dog conditioner' or something and continued to rinse me without realizing that he had been showering me with....

Yes. He thought Lipiderm was a dog shampoo because the bottle looked like a shampoo bottle and with a picture of a dog in front, it can't be wrong! But he was wrong! Lipiderm is a fish oil supplement which I used to take when I was younger!
Grandpa then left the house, leaving a very greasy me in the house. When mum returned from work, she was appalled by an overwhelming stench of what smelt like rotten fish the moment she stepped into the house. Remember I had dog's poop on my head and ears? Yeah, so the smell was like poop and fish all rolled in one. She was then greeted by a very wet, greasy, stinky dog, who was at the same time trying to walk on all fours without slipping (the floor was greasy too!). She almost threw up when she kneel down to smell my head and ears.
Mum then called up grandpa and realized what had happened. Without further delay, she dragged me to the bathroom again to shower me. I was so oily that mum had to shower me THREE times before I am squeaky clean again. And next she confined me in the bathroom while she mopped the whole house FOUR times as the floor was too greasy. After all that clean up, mum nearly died from exhaustion. Ever since then, mum will paste a label with the chinese word 'dog' on our shampoo bottles.. just to be sure nothing similar happens again.
To tell you the truth, that rotten fish smell was really heavenly! It could possibly be better, or if not the next best thing to getting skunked (we don't have skunks over here so I'm not sure what it smells like)! Rolling in poop is nothing, but can you imagine having poop and oil treatment on your coat all at the same time?? It's truly an experience of a lifetime!! WOO!!
Ohhhh I found dog's poop!!